Bella Coola Valley Inn

441 Mackenzie St
Coola, BC V01 1C0
Explore Website


Located in the central coast of British Columbia, Bella Coola is a hidden gem of nature. Though it may be a little cut off from the luxuries of the city -- Bella Coola is a luxury of its own. A visit to the Bella Coola Valley will give you an escape from the hectic pace of life and make you sit back, relax and appreciate nature for what it is.

Servicing Areas

Coola, BC


Hotel, Accommodation, Inn


Bella Coola Valley Inn, Coola, BC, Inns, Hotel,tourist accommodations, Restaurant and Pub, Pet Friendly Rooms, Free parking, Free Wifi, Continental Breakfast

Bella Coola Valley Inn

Bella Coola Valley Inn

Bella Coola Valley Inn

Bella Coola Valley Inn

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