O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation

PO Box 103
Crane River , MB R0L 0M0
Explore Website


This band of Anishinabek live just north of lake manitoba. They are also known as the crane river first nation. This band of Anishinabe indians have a year round road to the numerous white settlements to their south, and they are feeling the horrible effects of contact with white culture. Many of the ochi chak ko sipi Anishinabe indians still hunt, fish, and trap for a livelihood, but since there is year round access to the white settlements, many have left the reserve, to find employment in white communities. The crane river reserve has a history which is similar to that of the other indians from manitoba. Their first nation has a total enrolled population of 927, but about half live off reserve. Their first nation covers 3,522 hectares or 8,703 acres.

Servicing Areas

Crane River, Mb


Associations, Organizations


Aboriginal Communities, Services, Associations, Organizations, Crane River, Manitoba, O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation

O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation

O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation

O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation

O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation

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