NB All Terrain Vehicle Federation Inc

Unit C 1925 Hanwell Rd NW
Hanwell, NB E3C 1M4
Explore Website


All you need to know about ATVing in New Brunswick: last-minutes ATV news, newsletters, dated information on our member clubs, as well as Federation accomplishments, posted by our President or General Manager. The formal mandate of the NBATV Federation is that of ATV Trail Manager for New Brunswick. We function as a non-profit organization with 57 member clubs across the province and, since our 1998 incorporation; our membership is now approaching 9,000 individual rider-members. Our priority is to see safe and responsible ATV use across the province. Towards this end, we undertake much public education, and as a Federation of clubs, we work as one, to address issues of concern to ATV enthusiasts (e.g. land use, legislation, trail safety, vandalism, etc.) in New Brunswick. New Brunswick is blessed with a range of scenery:?from ocean shores to the highest peak in the Maritimes (Mount Carleton); from crystal-clear streams, rivers and lakes to breathtaking groves of boreal trees. To really see New Brunswick's beauty, one needs to forego the well-traveled routes to discover New Brunswick's inside vistas, as ATVers are so lucky to be able to do. ATVers are lucky enough to View New Brunswick from the Inside!

Servicing Areas

Hanwell, Nb


Federation, Associations, Organizations


Atv, Trails, News, All Terrain, Nb, Nb All Terrain Vehicle Federation Inc, N.B.A.T.V.F, Hanwell, New Brunswich, Law, Safety, Instructions, Routes, Discover

NB All Terrain Vehicle Federation Inc

NB All Terrain Vehicle Federation Inc

NB All Terrain Vehicle Federation Inc

NB All Terrain Vehicle Federation Inc

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