Kudlik Construction Ltd

1519 Federal Rd
Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0
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Kudlik Construction Ltd is an Inuit firm that was incorporated under Companies Ordinance of the Northwest Territories in 1982. The head office is located in Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut territory. With their extensive northern expertise and their massive equipment fleet, Kudlik Construction Ltd has the ability to handle all project sizes in diversified activities including road, runway, water and sewer distribution, wharf, blasting, crushing, concrete, pavement, bridge and institutional building

Servicing Areas

Iqaluit, Nu


Contruction, Contractor


Contruction, Crushing, Road, Concrete, Runway, Pavement, Water, Bridge, Institutional Buildings, Sewer Distribution, Wharf Blasting, Kudlik Construction, Iqaluit, Nunavut

Kudlik Construction Ltd

Kudlik Construction Ltd

Kudlik Construction Ltd

Kudlik Construction Ltd

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